I Had a Dream to Build . . .

a room box, one with a front, just like a doll house, but with only one room . . . a Boutique, with a large front window, or maybe two. ...


Diorama: In The Beginning

Well as is quite normal in my household, things don't always go exactly to plan. Instead of enlisting hubby's help, I bought this . . .

a floor, three walls, two of which had windows. It was going to be a good size diorama . . . 650mm wide by 455mm high and 440mm deep . . . so hopefully, large enough to hold all the furniture I had built.

And so the work began . . .

Firstly, I assembled the kit to make sure everything was there and went together as was intended. The one thing which impressed me the most about this kit was the walls could be reversed, which made it easier to fit furniture where it needed to be.


  1. It's weird that you posted this. Just yesterday I was looking at some laser cut room kids on the Just Wood Toys website and they reminded me of this project and your little pixie tailors. Those ones would probably have been too small though.

    1. There are lots of room kits about Rachael, but this is the only one I have found in 1/6 scale, which means it will look good with a variety of dolls. Most of the ones available are only 1/12 or 1/24 scale designed for miniaturists.

  2. Huh, this post never showed up on my reading list until now but I noticed you posted this back in February! What the heck? I wondered if you got this one. I debated about getting it too but I'm seeing if I can make something workable myself that can be stacked away easily first. I can't wait to see what you choose for the interiors.

    1. Not to worry Alasse, it could have something to do with my changing things around over here. I had to purchase it, otherwise Lorraine wouldn't have forgiven me, as I was the one who suggested they add a 1/6 scale room box in the first place. LOL! I have chosen everything, but you will have to wait until I post photos to see them. :)


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