This website has been waiting a very long time for some updates and today I managed to find both the inspiration and the time to do so.
I changed a few things around in my room box. First to receive attention was the walls, I removed the French door wall and replaced it with the wall which was originally on the left side and I added a backdrop behind the window which looks into a workroom. (If you look closely you will see people busily working at their benches.)
Then I replaced the French door wall with a plain grey wall and moved it to the left side, then moved the furniture around until I was happy with the layout.
There is still much to be done . . . more bolts of fabric are needed, along with clothes for the hangers, hats and stands etc., etc. I also need to redesign the packaging for the boutique.
However, the best is yet to come . . . I shall, in the not too distant future, have a façade for my Paris Boutique. My wonderful supplier has recently informed me this is currently underway and sent me a photo of the prototype, which has inspired me to move forward with this diorama.
I can see so many opportunities evolving from this façade, it's such a grand entrance it could become many things . . . however, I'll leave that up to your own imagination for now.